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Friday 09 November 2012


At Bova (Rc), the first meeting for the development of the project “Pos Mathènnome Tin Glossa Greka Tis Calabria / How to learn the Greek Language of Calabria“, to be implemented following the example of the project “Pos Matome Griko” as best practice

The first meeting of the project presentation: “Pos mathènnome tin Glossa Greka tis Calabria / How to learn the Greek language of Calabria“ will take place at Bova (Rc), on Saturday, November 10, 2012, at Tuscano Palace- Visitor center of Aspromonte National Park. The meeting is organized by the Hellenic Cultural Associations Apodiafazzi and Odysseus and it will be the first of a series of appointments to be held in the municipalities of the Greek-speaking areas of Calabria.

The meeting will be chaired by Carmelo Giuseppe Nucera, President of the “Circolo Apodiafazzi”, and will be  attended by important experts in Greek of Calabria, as Prof. Filippo Violi, and Prof. Franca Falduto, Regional referent for Linguistic Minorities - U.S.R.-Calabria.
Prof. Franco ALTIMARI Pro-Rector of the University of Calabria, will conclude the works of this first appointment. The meeting will be also attended by a delegation of the MIUR-Language-Minority Regional Directorate of Calabria , by teachers and scholars of the Greek of Calabria.

Guests of honor at this meeting will be some members of the scientific staff of the project “Pos Matome Griko“. The purpose of the meeting at Bova is, in fact, just to better know the project already in progress in the area of Grecìa Salentina in south Apulia, in order to develop and implement, following the example of the project “Pos Matome Griko” as best practice, “Pos mathènnome tin Glossa Greka tis Calabria / How to learn the Greek language of Calabria“, aimed at protecting and the safeguarding the Greek Language of Calabria, and that, as the equivalent “Griko“ could be financed by funds from the Lifelong Learning Community program.

Methodological details and innovations of the project “Griko” will be presented by Prof. Isabelle Oztasciyan Bernardini D’ Arnesano, Professor of Modern Greek Language and Literature at the University of Salento and Scientific Responsible of the project “Pos Matome Griko, Prof. Giorgio Vincenzo Filieri, Professor of Griko language, by Prof. Anna Dimitri, responsible for the organization of seminars on music, language and traditions of Salento at the Language Centre of the University of Salento and Prof. Sandra Abbate, an expert in CLIL methodology in teaching Griko Language, all members of the scientific staff of project “Griko”.

It will be explained  that the big news of the project “Pos Matome Griko“ is, the adoption of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), for teaching and learning a minority language. CEFR is the methodology put together by the Council of Europe to set up systems of validation of language ability across Europe. All new educational tools, absolutely innovative for concept and methodology, have been implemented according to CEFRS guidelines and requirements with the contribution of all the involved partners.

The traditional educational tools, as vocabularies, books, language courses for children and adults, are, also supported by modern ICT applied to education: the website – www.e-griko.eu , where users have also the access to the forum and to the e-learning platform.
It has been developed also an educational software, and created a Facebook group to engage and involve young people, too. Nevertheless, the new didactic approach also takes in consideration adults who will have access to a complete and integrated educational system for learning Griko at all levels. The availability of modern teaching materials and of a specific didactic program are the very strengths of the project to raise awareness on the important cultural and historical role played by Griko in everyday life and behavior of the Griko speaking population.

Because of its high innovative value, the Italian Ministry Of Education, University and Research - Regional School Office For Puglia has granted the patronage to the project “Pos Matome Griko” ( resolution Prot. N °. 10129 of December 19, 2011). The patronage of the Ministry of Education is an important recognition of the work of the whole team as well as of the innovative value of the project ,that comes to fill a didactic, methodological and historical gap, which is one of the main reason of the dispersion of this old and precious linguistic heritage.

This new project, dedicated to the preservation of Griko of Calabria, comes as a result of the great pioneering and experimental work that the whole team of the project “Pos Matome Griko conducted with professionalism and scientific and management competence. This is a further recognition of the importance of an idea and a of a project that, combining innovation and tradition, technology and memory, wants to give new life and vigor to a secular heritage of language, culture and traditions that must be protected and preserved.

Long life to Griko!


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